words and art by w a l t e r w s m i t h

Posts tagged “New Orleans

Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry

Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry

The last day of the Geometry challenge, and I thought I would include one more entry. I have really enjoyed the challenge. I think a lot of my work can relate to the principles of geometry. This last post contains the piece entitled: “First You Make A Roux”. During my visit to New Orleans last year, I came across an antique shop which had the slogan painted on the window. I snapped the photo and then created this collage. Hope you enjoy.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry

Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry

Here is a rewind from my trip to New Orleans. An earlier post entitled: A Bridge Never Too Far (A Seeing Through Everything Remix). I thought this digital collage would be perfect for this challenge. A layered fusion of angles and perspective. Hope you enjoy.

Post Canvas And Paint: Another Sleeping World (A On The Street Remix)

It was an early morning moment when I  awakened from my deep and troubled sleep…

Another Sleeping World

Post Canvas And Paint: Another Creative World (A On The Corner Remix)

On a corner, somewhere in my world, I can find a place … to embrace … imagination.

Another Creative World – On The Corner

It is here, in this world, in the experience that is my life, I find myself...

Music For Parks And City Streets (A Day Like No Other Remix)

The city series….

Sitting by the river, standing on the corner, music for parks and city streets

The moments we find time standing still…

Music is energy …

It captures the imagination and sets the soul on fire. It frees our thoughts and liberates our dreams. It illuminates the night stars and sets the day in motion.

Music is lucid …

We dream to music. We create to music. We make love to music. It touches and caresses. It embraces our intimate space.

Music is you and I …

It gathers the crowd on a beautiful day. It sings the songs our hearts have found. It teaches and consoles. It soothes our spirit at birth and death.

Music is humanity … restored.

For you and I it was a day like no other as we walked together … dreaming and listening….

In celebration of a summer day to come. A picnic with the band The Januaries and their song Chocolate and Strawberries…


No Moment In Time We Can Ever Bring Back (A Really Gone Remix)

As our past fades away, is there a bridge or ferry that can take us where we want to go….

A flight of fancy a bridge and ferry

Trying to escape something that is little known….

Earlier today, I was reading a post that Conceptual Art re-blogged entitled “A Place Where My Thoughts Are Frozen Together” by the blogger Emily @ Making Bridges. I enjoyed the read and found much in which to reflect on. It was as I perceived it, a beautiful, personal, and in-depth look at the ambiguities of our life experience i.e. how we connect with ourselves, and how those experiences resonate and are influenced by the emotions that accompany them. As I read, this line really struck a chord with me… “I often find myself looking back on past experiences – painful and happy – wishing I could still feel the intensity of those emotions”.

I believe that all my life, I have been struggling with this as well. I keep seeing my memories. Feeling them. Finding them elusive yet obtrusive. Art as a solution, sometimes produces some release and some peace, as it transforms the related emotion into form, color, shape, and content. Each piece touching on the memories in a hope to find a cathartic release. But it seems that it all remains the same in the end. An internal struggle. An endless pursuit. Perhaps the process does bring me a small step closer to a sense of freedom or understanding. But to truly cross that bridge, or ferry across the depths of my mind, I can only wake each day, start anew, create another piece, with the hope of living a little closer to a more profound present moment.

In a moment we realize we can never go back….

As We Approached The Ferry A Different Kind Of Night

It was the dark of night and the silhouette of the ferry consumed me….

From the dock I looked out beyond the thoughts that anchored my dreams

a soft glow

on the sands below

this night


– different

I found myself again….

First You Make A Roux (A Window Shopping Remix 03)

The city series….

First you make a roux

Yes we are still cruising down Magazine Street—just seeing things from a different perspective….

Vintage Clothing On Magazine Street (A Window Shopping Remix 02)

The city series….

Nothing quite compares to finding a unique place to shop and browse.

Stopping to check out what's inside

We stood at the entrance as a glimpse of what was inside called us to enter….

Magazine Street – New Orleans (A Window Shopping Remix 01)

The city series….

New Orleans is famous for two distinct areas; the nightlife and party vibe of the French Quarter with its Bourbon Street, and the rather cool, hip, and very left of center (in a moderate way) Magazine Street. M St. runs parallel to its more famous counterpart, Charles Street. But unlike C St., with its two Universities (Tulane and Loyola), trolley cars, beautiful homes and churches, Magazine Street has a rather unique quality about it. Interspersed with its numerous art galleries are small vintage clothing and antique shops, various ethnic restaurants and small corner parks. I really enjoyed this part of New Orleans and would consider living in this neighborhood than any other. If you visit New Orleans, you will find that this is a great place to hang out and enjoy the day.

Window shopping on Magazine Street

Hope you enjoy this three-part series, a short stroll down Magazine Street….

Urban Contemplation: 13 – The French Quarter

The city series….

There is always music in the French Quarter

A journey in the French Quarter through a landscape of sound, imagery, and fine cuisine.