words and art by w a l t e r w s m i t h

The New Colonialism

Searching for the freedom beyond the new colonialism….

The New Colonialism

There is the old colonialism and the new. In years past Empires were made by invading “primitive” third world or developing countries. In a brutal process of conquest, nations achieved their goals of domination via enslavement, government control and wars.

Today colonialism still exist, however it can be argued that it takes on another form—insidious in nature but with the same result i.e. the raping and pillaging of a countries wealth and resources while eliminating its ability to be self-sufficient.

Today’s colonialism is financial in nature and is developed as a means to rule the wealth of others. In the past 30 years here in America we have seen the shift from a manufacturing based economy to a financial one. The deregulation, the explosion of the commodities markets, and the Wall Street mentality of greed have all played a part in a global construct to create a new society of those who have and those who have not. The 1% and 99ers are what we are left with.

In the old form of colonialism it was understood that control came by the means of dominating the wealth, trade, language and freedom of the people. This principal in general has not changed, but today the emphasis is on domination through the control of wealth—through a corrupt identity we have come to know as Capitalism.  This type of capitalism is based on a false economy; a paper economy.

True capitalism is when the people of different nations, societies, communities understand the importance of fair trade; where respect, common interest and gain are the goals. We see it everywhere, for example in America and developing countries with our community gardens and farmer markets; where the language and freedom of trade is a positive end shared by all.

The protests we see here in America and around the globe is a testimony to the people’s vision of a true form of capitalism. It is a struggle against economic tyranny of the most devastating kind.

What do you think? Is the path to solidarity in recognizing our common need? Can we, who are the true majority, find our common goal and live on this planet with harmony and love; and for that matter unselfishly?

6 responses

  1. “The protests we see here in America and around the globe is a testimony to the people’s vision of a true form of capitalism. It is a struggle against economic tyranny…”
    right! “… based on a false economy; a paper economy.”

    November 3, 2011 at 8:06 am

    • Frizz it is amazing to see the world as it really is. It is sad that somehow we have come to this… treating each other with so little respect; destroying freedom, growth and harmony.

      November 4, 2011 at 6:19 am

  2. I’m not sure it is possible any more. It has all gotten so out of hand.

    November 3, 2011 at 10:31 pm

    • Things are never impossible. We all share in the solution. We all have the means to contribute; artists create art, writiers write, protestors protest, polticians govern, and people believe.

      November 4, 2011 at 6:21 am

  3. I can grasp the hard edges in this one…. fits the topic. 🙂
    I’ve been out of the loop with power outages and conferences… Will catch up on comments soon. TY! 🙂

    November 4, 2011 at 6:51 pm

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